Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

pain in testes after ejaculation

- okay. - can you fracture an erect penis? - oh, like can you crack a dick? (laughter) - that's ...

pain in testes after ejaculation

pain in testes after ejaculation, (lighthearted music) so penises are reallyimportant, obviously. 50% of the population has them. they're a huge part ofthe person's health,

who they're connected to. so we're going to quizsome buzzfeed staffers on their penis iq. first question ... are blue balls actually blue? - are blue balls actually blue? - i've never observed my own. - i've presumably given abunch of blue balls in the past and i've never seen them turn blue.

- no. - no, cuz maybe they'remore than one color? - yes. (laughs) - okay, no. - ahh. - okay, question. why do guys blame girls for blue balls? can't they just jack that shit off ...

- that question i can't answer. is it possible to pee with an erection? - yeah, right? - yeah. - it is possible to pee with an erection. i know this because i have seen it happen and if you're going totell me that's incorrect, i'm scared of what i saw. - i think it's possible, butit's really hard for men.

- that's exactly right. (clap) yeah. - i am a penis genius. - a penius. - i am a penius. - okay, so next question. can you fracture an erect penis? (gasps)

- oh. - you know what? yes? yes. - so i'm going to say no,you can't fracture it, but you probably can seriously injure it. - that's incorrect. - damn, i was on such a roll. - you can't break it.

what you end up fracturingis something called the corpus cavernosum. - this is just anoff-the-record question ... (loud zinging noise) how would you even know if you broke it? like is it one of those things ... - it hurts. - where you're like ... - you know it's broke.

- all right i think i understandwhat position to avoid. so the more times youejaculate in one day, does less semen come outeach subsequent time. - not always true. - so yes or no. - i'm not sure about that. - i've heard a lot ofguys talk about how like, oh if you wait, like, you'regoing to have a big load. and they just love that.

- i've heard people say ... oh, i've got a lot storedup or something like that, which makes me feellike the answer is yes? - that is correct. - false. - that is incorrect. - what? - i'll say less. i'll say yes.

yes for less. - that's correct. - i know more aboutpenises than i thought. - will it ever like puffsmoke when it's finally done? - not like puhh? - last question. is it possible to sitdown on your testicles? - can i try right now? - okay, so my testicles are here.

- how droopy are these testicles? - i have another question. are you naked? - i imagine they would move to the sides. - the answer is no. - i'm going to say no, youcan't sit on your testicles. - okay, that is incorrect. (groans) - um, i'll say no.

i don't think you canactually sit on your balls. - oh, no! - i think it's possible. - thank you dr. caroline. - i'm not a doctor, everyone. - i think i did well. i think balls are amystery no matter what. so the fact that that was my weak point, i feel comfortable with.

- like i know the deal. i know the dill. i know the d. - like i said ... - do i get like a goldstar or a certificate. - like a gold penis. - like a gold penis star? - i would wear it proudly on my chest. - i have an old test tube.

that's all. - what does it have in it? - i think it was fromswabbing someone's phone.

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